Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Bicycles for Humanity is a movement that empowers many in Africa with the simple gift of mobility. I am also a huge Steve Jobs and Apple fan and have been for over 25 years and will always be. I faithfully read every day, every word written about Steve Jobs and Apple and I always will. Like everyone, I pray that Steve has a quick recovery and and is with us for a long time to come.

I'm writing to share with you how Steve has impacted Bicycles for Humanity and how we believe that Apple and it's team have learned the same lesson. On our home page, you will see a link to the speech Steve made at Stanford. Do what you love, stay hungry, stay foolish and don't get bogged by dogma and other people's dreams.

Bicycles for Humanity, has no organization, it has no budget, is not a registered non profit and it simply keeps growing globally and it always will. Our movement like the team in Apple are unlocked, enthusiastic, energized and all are moving towards the lofty goals or aspirations that Steve has set. Apple is not one Steve jobs, but hundreds and hundreds of Steve Jobs, all with their own unique style, skill set and passions and all simply believe in what is possible.

All to often, we think it is one individual, one leader who has it all, who can move mountains and if that person is not at the help, it's over, the end is near and they will never attain the greatness again. To understand Steve and Apple, one only has to read, listen to or watch his speech from Stanford, one cannot connect the dots looking forward only backwards. As a small voice, not even in the tech space, but in the simple space of helping others through the gift of mobility a bicycle can bring, I have had that rare chance to watch what Steve believes so passionately.

Steve gave us the answer at Stanford, I have read it a hundred times and I suggest that everyone who talks about Apple, Steve and the team at Apple read this simple yet powerful speech. Apple has made the transition from an old school company driven by a few to a new age company driven by thousands who like i simply believe that what Steve stands for is something we should all aspire to and our organizations if we are lucky enough.

I wish Steve all the best, today , tomorrow and forever. Apple is so much more than Steve, it's a thousand Steve's all with their own special skills and style, but the core belief is in everyone. Bicycles for Humanity is just a movement, it is simply a global group that believe and aspire to be the best we can be and we do it because we love it. If it was not for Steve Jobs Stanford speech and what he believes, we would never have seen the light. if we see it and we are just sending bicycles to Africa, how many others see it, inside Apple, my guess is thousands and thousands and if we thought Apple was ahead of the pack now, I can't wait to see what happens next.

Steve, thank you for being you, you inspire millions of us and we wish you and your family all the best.


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